
在纽约州, there are different types of teaching certificates; the most common types are Internship (entry-level certificate for students in an M.Ed. 程序), 最初的 (entry-level certificate, valid for five years), and Professional (advanced-level certificate, 无限期有效).

Internship 证书

Internship certificates are aimed for first time educators in a Master’s of Education program leading to certification.  At Roberts, students in the 最初的 Certification M.Ed. program who are participating in job-embedded student teaching may ask for an Internship certificate if the following conditions are met:

  • Complete 50% of the program requirements
  • Complete DASA and fingerprinting
  • Obtain a request for Internship certification from an employer
  • Obtain a recommendation from the 最初的 Certification M.Ed. 指导委员会

Internship certificates are issued immediately prior to student teaching; they are valid for two years, or until the student graduates or leaves the program. Please note that Roberts Wesleyan University students who receive Internship certificates are still expected to complete all of the student teaching requirements. Click here for more information about Internship certificates: Internship Certificate: Types of 证书 and Licenses:OTI: NYSED

最初的 证书

最初的 certificates are entry-level certificates for first time teachers. They are valid for five years; within those five years, New York State expects teachers to meet the following requirements in order to be eligible to apply for a Professional certificate.

If you do not complete all of the above requirements within five years, you may request a one-time time extension of 3 years (Time Extension of a Provisional, 最初的, or Transitional Certificate: Certification from Start to Finish:OTI: NYSED).  If your 最初的 expires before you complete the above requirements, you may apply for a one-time 最初的 Reissuance, which is valid for 5 years (Reissuance of Expired 最初的 Classroom Teacher and School Building Leader 证书).

Professional 证书

Professional certificates are advanced-level certificates that are valid indefinitely as long as you keep up with CTLE (Continuing Teacher and Leader Education) hours (Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Requirements).

Once you have met the above requirements (listed under 最初的 证书) for Professional certification, you should complete the following steps:

1. Send verification of your mentoring and paid experience to NYSED. New York State public schools will do this electronically; non-public or out of state schools should use these forms:

2. 应用 through your TEACH account. If you are applying for a certificate you earned through a Master’s program, use the same program code you used for 最初的 certification. If you are applying for a certificate you earned through a Bachelor’s program, when the system asks for a code, 点击“不,” and then apply through the “Certificate Progression” pathway (you may need to send NYSED verification of your graduate hours or Master’s degree).